Golden Cupcakes


This product is Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Egg-free, Maize-free, and Cacao-free

Golden cupcake is versatile for many occasion and will go well with many flavor options. We top it with fruit jam and icing to give a sense of freshness into our line of treats

1 box of 6 pieces: Rp.285,000 ( Strawberry, Blueberry top)
1 box of 12 pieces: Rp.500,000 ( Strawberry, Blueberry, Orange top)

Baked-to-order only.
Submit your order 3 working days prior to delivery date.

– Organic Brown Rice flour, Potato Starch, Tapioca
– Organic Rice Milk
– Palm nectar
– Vegetable shortening
– Cider Vinegar, Xanthan Gum, Baking Powder, Baking Soda & Sea Salt
Fruit icing: Vegetable Shortening & Stevia with homemade sugar-free Blueberry/Strawberry jam, Orange concentrate & Lime juice